Cryo Kessaħ Hot Electroporation Nru Needle Mesotherapy Skin Face Lifting Machine

Iffranka $118.00
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Prezz tal-bejgħ$151.00 Prezz regolari$269.00
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Tliet karatteristiċi ewlenin prinċipalment użati bħala "trattament ta 'injezzjoni taċ-ċelluli tad-DNA" Korean Medical Beauty, issa iġorru madwar 70 miljun aktar applikaw SKIN COOL strument, SKIN COOL disponibbli tisħin u tkessiħ operazzjoni, filwaqt li tinjetta essenza, iċ-ċelluli tal-ġilda biex jassorbu prodott sa 80% rata ta 'penetrazzjoni ta' 20 multipli aktar, SKIN COOL strument għandu 10 effett kbir ta ' lymph :
1 . Neħħi l-ġilda safranija, għal edema 4. nieqes double chin effettivament jeliminaw ċrieki skuri, boroż tal-għajnejn 6. pori, jippromwovu ċ-ċirkolazzjoni tad-demm 7. kontra t-tikmix, jerfgħu l-għajnejn tiegħu 8. Attiva s-saff tal-kollaġen tal-ġilda u tippromwovi r-riġenerazzjoni taċ-ċelluli tal-ġilda 9. iżżid il-flessibilità, ittejjeb il-kontorni tal-wiċċ aktar sod 10. tippromwovi x-xoljiment tax-xaħam.


The mesoporation (electroporation) is considered as “innovation” in the aesthetic beauty (Nobel Prize-winning process).
By the known from medical research method of electroporation (electroporation = where open for milliseconds additional moisture channels in the skin, causing the active ingredients may be the first time eingeschlusst very deep into the skin), the absorption of active ingredients can be significantly improved through the skin.
Valuable anti-aging ingredients can be added to the mesoporation very specifically and primarily evenly on the skin and aesthetic problems are dealt with at source.
The skin looks firmer and fresher already after a treatment. The treatments with the mesoporation are also completely comfortable for the customer. With the electroporation you achieve exceptional patient outcomes. Can help you gain new customers through this enjoyable and effective way!

Face treatment using Multipolar RF Beauty Machine China Factory
For acne: – Controlling secretion of sebum and regenerating skin with normalizing sebaceous glands since body heat increase.
For freckle and whitening: – Controlling secretion of Melanin and activating cell by eliminating toxin and body waste in the way of normalizing hormone secretion and producing oxygen.
For keen skin: – Eliminating a bottleneck phenomenon with blood and lymph circulation, regeneration cell, tightening immune system up, taking care of healthy skin.
For Wrinkle and regeneration: – Stimulating blood circulation, increasing metabolism with direct effect of Radio frequency which makes temperature of skin cell up to 40 degree to improve body’s defense system by increasing blood flow. 
For slimming: – Stimulating circulation of blood and lymph, alleviating muscles pain, decomposing fat, face sliming with skin resilience.
For Eye care: – Restoring fatigue of eye, dark circle, stimulating blood and lymph circulation.

Power supply: InputAC 100~220V, OutputDC 15V /2A
We will send the corresponding power plug and voltage according to your country.
Frequency: 50 / 60Hz
Power consumption: 8.5W
Temperature: cold -10 , hot 40

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