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L'analizzatore quantistico Hand Touch offre vantaggi nel campo dell'analisi ed è stato dimostrato che l'applicabilità di questi analizzatori va oltre la gamma di analisi dei tessuti e altre applicazioni mediche. L'analizzatore a risonanza magnetica misura il livello e il tipo di risposta dell'oggetto in studio.
Il corpo umano è costituito da un gran numero di cellule che crescono, si sviluppano, si dividono, si rigenerano e muoiono costantemente. Quando si dividono, si rinnovano. Negli adulti, circa 25 milioni di cellule si dividono ogni secondo e i globuli rossi si rigenerano costantemente a una velocità di 100 milioni al minuto.
Nel processo di divisione e rigenerazione cellulare, le parti della cellula si muovono e cambiano costantemente ad alta velocità, emettendo onde elettromagnetiche senza interruzione. I segnali delle onde elettromagnetiche emesse dal corpo umano rappresentano una condizione specifica del corpo umano e, pertanto, i diversi segnali elettromagnetici emessi dalle diverse condizioni di salute come la sotto-salute, le malattie, ecc.
Hand Touch Quantum Analyzer is a new instrument that is able to analyze this phenomenon. The magnetic frequency and energy of the human body are identified by the sensor in the equipment and after the amplification, the data is compared with the spectrum of waves corresponding to each disease, nutrition and other indicators that are registered in the equipment to determine if the samples of waves taken are irregular.
Quantum Analysis
This quantum analyzer replaces the need to perform resonances by ultrasound, nuclear resonances or radiography due to various medical conditions. Just by placing the palm of your hand on the sensor, health data from various body systems will be collected in a few minutes.
This method of analysis is emerging quickly because it is accurate and non-invasive. In addition, it detects health problems that are in their initial stage and that still do not turn into diseases.
Hand Touch Quantum Analyzer Features
Detects health problems without symptoms. When there are about 10 cells with pathological changes, the analyzer can capture this change and identify the precursor of the disease. By taking the necessary actions to treat them in time, chronic diseases can be prevented.
Fast and accurate. Multiple indicators of your health can be obtained in minutes. This method of analysis has been established with a scientific method, strict treatment of health statistics and demonstration of a large number of clinical cases. This has allowed to develop an analysis with greater precision.
Non invasive and painless. It allows an analysis without needles or x-rays.
Simple and convenient. Easy to manage and in general, people can analyze and interpret the results. It can be used anywhere and anytime, saving patients time. It is connected to a computer so that the examination process can be shown to the patient in real time.
The systems of the body that it analyzes are the following:
- Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular
- Gastrointestinal Function
- Function of the Large Intestine
- Hepatic Function
- Function of the Gallbladder
- Pancreatic function
- Renal Function
- Pulmonary Function
- Brain Nerve
- Bone diseases
- Bone mineral density
- Rheumatoid Bone Disease
- Bone growth index
- Blood glucose
- Trace elements
- Vitamins
- Amino acids
- Coenzymes
- Fatty acid
- Endocrine System
- Immune System
- Thyroid
- Human Toxin
- Heavy metals
- Basic Physical Condition
- Allergies
- Obesity
- Skin
- Eye
- Collagen
- Meridians or Acupuncture Channels
- Pulse, Brain and Heart
- Blood Lipids
- Gynecology (female)
- Breasts (female)
- Menstrual cycle (female)
- Prostate (male)
- Male sexual function (male)
- Sperm and Semen (male)
- Trace elements (children)
- Vitamins (children)
- Amino acids (children)
- Coenzyme (children)
- Fatty acid (children)
- ADHD (children)
- Human elements
- Expert Analysis
- Manual Analysis
Hand Touch Quantum Analyzer package includes:
- Quantum Analyzer
- Software CD in English
- USB Cable
- USB Dongle
- English Manual