الابلاغ عن عنصرجهاز 5 في 1 40 كيلو هرتز 1.0 فراغ رباعي الأقطاب RF لشد الوجه + رأس RF ثلاثي الأقطاب للعينين + RF سداسي الأقطاب للجسم معتمد من الاتحاد الأوروبي
باستخدام رأس موجة صوتية قوية جماعية، يمكن إصدار موجة صوتية قوية تبلغ 40000 هرتز لاهتزاز الخلايا الدهنية بأقصى سرعة وإنتاج العديد من جيوب الهواء الفراغية داخل وخارج الخلايا الدهنية، والتأثير بقوة على الخلايا الدهنية لتوليد انفجار داخلي وتفتيت الدهون الثلاثية إلى جلسرين وأحماض دهنية حرة. ثم يتم استخدام موجات التردد اللاسلكي بتردد 1 ميجا هرتز لاستنفاد الجلسرين المتكامل والأحماض الدهنية الحرة من خلال الدورة الدموية الكبدية المعوية. أخيرًا، يتم استخدام التردد اللاسلكي الفراغي وقطب الطاقة لتحديد موضع الدهون وشدها. في الفيزياء، يُعرف باسم "التجويف". قد يؤدي الانفجار الداخلي المجهري داخل الخلية وخارجها إلى تعزيز الحركة الجزيئية ومستوى طاقة أعلى وهذا سيؤدي في النهاية إلى تمزق الخلايا الدهنية وبالتالي تحقيق تأثيرات بناء الجسم وفقدان الوزن.
1.Dissolve fat, lymphatic drainage, firm skin and enhance skin elasticity
Negative pressure RF head
Being integrated with the most advanced RF technology and radio frequency, the instrument may directly reach the deep-seated fat body and have the excellence of targeted positioning RF. In the fast-active state, fat cell tissue may generate friction heat, increase local temperature and remove excess fat and toxin from the body through sweat gland, enterohepatic circulation and lymph and ultimately achieve the effect of dissolving fat.With controlled depth technology, inlaid diamond particles of different sizes may rub skin alongits pattern, adjust suction strength by means of vacuum draw and rub with negative pressure strongforce to directly explode thick fat. Thus, the effects are very obvious: Enhance blood circulation, accelerate the decomposition of fat, take away wastes, enhance the effect of removing cellulite, effectively improve the state of areolar tissue, remove stubborn fat and improve the sufficient absorption condition of diet products.
2. Strong force explosion fat and fat removal
Strong sound wave explosion fat head With collective strong sound wave head, strong sound wave of 40000HZ may be emitted to human body for impacting fat cells fiercely and causing friction motion between fat cells. This may cause effective consumption of calories and moisture in fat cells and reduce the size of fat cells. What's more, sound wave vibration may cause fierce impact of fat cells to make them be exploded instantaneously, reduce the amount of fat cells and thereby achieve the effects of removing fat.
3. Vacuum RF
For body and face re-shaping. Weight loss Vaccum+RF fat-explosion machine can promote tissue metabolism,repel the cellulite, which make fat granule in different depths and shocking make fusion energy, and the deepest receptor can get granule in 3CM thick of skin, and rapid expansion and the rapid heating of the cell wall that exceed the elastic limits and arises cells broken, so that the combustion of fatty acids at the same time broken out of a pot, not only the burning consumption of fatty acids but also more directly emptying so rapidly reduce the size of granule
4.Bipolar Tripolar RF Facial wrinkle elimination, tightening and lifting
Facial RF head capacitive coupling electrode is used for transmitting radio-wave energy and generating an electric field for entering into subcutaneous tissue through the skin surface. In the high-frequency of 450khz, this electric field changes its polarity for 450,000 times per second. To reply to the rapid change in electrode, directions of electrical particles the skin are also changed. By this time, natural electric resistance in the subcutaneous tissue moves and generates heat energy. As thepapillary dermis collagen may immediately shrink when the temperature is within the range from 60 to 70 Celcius degree, after wrinkle treatment, client may immediately sense the skin tightening effects as it is being lifted and firmed. When collagen is produced continuously, thickness and density of the skin papillary dermis may be increased to remove wrinkles, eliminate scars, restore skin elasticity and gloss and make it be blonde and smooth. While collagen is increased, fresh skin is generated in the position of operation and wrinkles are removed by large amount of cells. In addition, when cortex without elasticity or that with thick horny layer in the area with wrinkles is separated, surrounding skin will also be renewed.
5 Tripolar small RF for face and eye around
A tripolar facial lifting is a non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic technique that safely and effectively improves the health and appearance of the skin. A tripolar facial lifting uses technologies developed in the medical and physiotherapy fields to activate the skin's natural chemicals responsible for health and vitality. A tripolar facial lifting provides satisfying aesthetic results with less risk of side effects compared to a traditional face lift. TheA tripolar facial lifting procedure is proven safe and effective, delivering results at a fraction of the cost of traditional procedures.
It can removal wrinkle and tighten skin,whiten and tender skin,shrinken pores,dispel black eye socket,pouch and crow's-feet,removal the yellow skin,removal face edema,removal face toxin,lifting face,speed up the secrete of skin,neck care,removal neck wrikle,tighten and whiten skin
1. Painless treatment focus RF energy at the correct position,compared to other radio frequency technology .it uses low energy and high frequency,safe and effective.
2. Aim at the skin surface and deep location,using a complex method to control the different currents and energy,direct access to the different skin layer. Does not cause the phenomenon of uneven skin.
3. Selectively targeting fatty tissue,to avoid heating other fat,to achieve the fastest treatment effect
4.The entire process is completed without the need of surgery and anesthesia.
5. With the most useful 40KHZ ultrasonic cavitatio n system.
6. لا توجد آثار جانبية ولا خطر استعادة الوزن، والنتائج واضحة إلى حد ما. لا يؤثر على العمل والحياة الطبيعية.
7. شاشة تعمل باللمس ملونة.
شد الذراعين والساقين والفخذين والأرداف والخصر والظهر وعضلات البطن وإعادة تشكيل شكل الجسم * تحسين ومعالجة قشر البرتقال مثل الأنسجة الدهنية بمستويات خطيرة مختلفة * مع تأثيرات التهدئة وإزالة الضغط وتسكين الآلام (مثل آلام المفاصل وعرق النسا) ، وتعزيز التمارين الهوائية الميكانيكية المنتظمة لأنسجة الجلد وتخفيف التوتر بسرعة وإزالة التعب. * شد ورفع وضغط الجلد وتشكيل شكل الوجه وتنشيط الخلايا وتعزيز التمثيل الغذائي وبالتالي يمكن الحصول على 100٪ المزيد من الكولاجين والألياف المرنة لتحسين بشرة الوجه والجسم
الحزمة تشمل
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رأس تجويف 40 كيلو هرتز × 1
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رأس تردد لاسلكي ثلاثي الأقطاب للوجه والعينين × 1
رأس تردد لاسلكي رباعي الأقطاب للوجه والجسم × 1
سلك طاقة × 1
دليل مستخدم باللغة الإنجليزية × 1