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Ion Cleanse Detox Machine Foot Spa Multifunction Foot Bath Machine Ion Cleansing Two People Use Foot Massager CE CF Certificate
The way ionization works is a water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When the molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH molecule takes on a negative charge. As you walk along the beach your body absorbs millions of these negatively charged ions, which alkalize the blood and tissue. A healthy person should contain 80% negative electrons and 20% positive electrons. Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products, such as diacetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic, butyric, and hepatic acids.
Main features:
1. Dual operation (for two people at the same time use)
2. Negative potential health conditioning (3 mode).
3.MP3 music playback.
Functional effects:
Negative potential health conditioning combine MP3 music playback
Music effect:
1) Music can make physical and mental relaxation, relieve stress
2) Music can make people feel good, relieve depression depressed mood
3) music can stimulate the brain, activation of brain cells, the development of the role of the brain thinking
4) Music can stimulate the brain, improve human creativity and cognition, prevent Alzheimer's
5) Music can improve people's sleep.
1. Removes toxins and body waste
2. Helps clear up bad skin
3. Inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus
4. Assists in
5. Headache relief
6. Slows down aging and improves body flexibility
7. Rejuvenates and energizes your whole body
8. Enhances nutrient Absorption
9. Heavy metal removal
10. Increases body immunity and internal energy
11. Helps relieves pain and tension
12. Improved sleep
13. Reduces inflammation and unwanted fluid retention
14. Can be safely used for Children of age 8 or above.

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