Detektor Logam AKS Jarak Jauh Bawah Tanah Profesional Dan Detektor Emas Aks Tembaga Perak Emas untuk Pemburu Harta Karun

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Pengenalan Detektor Logam AKS:

Updated AKS Metal Detector is a excellent performance gold search instrument.This detector sensitivity and stability for the international similar product the highest level.

In addition to the above characteristics outside, this product is also one of the most prominent characteristics that can be identified the type of metal, allowing you easily find useful metal items to you, this is the domestic other types of similar products do not have the functions Has this detector, you can go to a more open place agent treasure activities, searching for gold, silver, copper,precious stones.

This type of equipment archaeological and scientific theory field of perfect combination, has the high quality remote search system and precise positioning of the detection system, the breakthrough the conventional detection method, using the micro electric processor control chip chip unit calibration, apparatus, apparatus, self-checking system can quickly and easily scan detection, greatly enhance the ground treasure the working efficiency of the lovers and reduce detection labor intensity, and is the most advanced, practical economic metal detection instrumentation.

Product main features:
1. The strongest product kernel, intelligent modular operation.
2. Powerful convenient speed efficiency.
3. Easy and fast to advanced and efficient.

Technology parameters:
1. Product name: Updated AKS Metal Detector.
2. Search system: microcomputer CPU control and reflection conduct.
3. Search range: 1000M.
4. Detecting depth: 20M.
5. Energy: 12V 1000-1600mAh.
6. launch frequency: 5.6- 6KHZ.
7. Signal frequency: 360- 440HZ.
8. Weight: 3. 2KG.
9. Detection type: gold, silver, copper, precious stones.
10. Charging methods: this instrument has installed rechargeable batteries, direct access charger, can charge, charges time 5-8 hours.

Package included:
1 x AKS Metal Detector
1 x Launcher
1 x Charger
1 x Box

Boot test:
Open the host with the search device switch, the search is work blink; When host preference copper gear, a search is corresponding copper instructions parade light, in turn, choose the host other silver, gold, and precious stones gear, a search is corresponding to the light of the instructions of the light.
If appear hosts select gear, and search is the corresponding indicator light not bright, may be the host and search instrument is enough, need to recharge. The above situation normal word, the apparatus normal, can be at ease use.

Detailed instructions
Correct using Host:
Will host the vertical hanging in his loins, and try to keep and parallel leg,if you are the right hand hold as search instrument, then hang in the right flank, if you are left hand operation, then hang in the left.
Note: remove mobile phone.

The correct method of use:
Search instrument upward raked 1-3 degrees; When is the one who holds the search instrument, hand to clamping body, don't shaking; Move, should pay attention to scan rate, if a slow speed, enough exercise, he won't let instrument polarization. And if too fast, found that would hamper detection.

Detailed instructions:
In the use of this method in the target area search, should stand in the front area and scanning. Detectors will display the search of matter or material is in the area of right or left part. If detection is in the area of the right part, mobile so far part of the center and again scanning. By the second detection,after training the operator can determine where the matter a quarter of the circle,right or left half part part, vertical segmented regions.

Updated the detective, is a novel design, the instrument of work. This kind of instrument will open the door of wealth for you, help you on the top of my career. The following advice will help you to correct use and spare the good the instrument, improve the instrument was used.
1. Do not remove or modification of instrument.
2. In the process of operation to mobile phone or other metal near the instrument.
3. Please at 0 °c-40 °c temperature and 10%-30% humidity environment use this instrument is the best.
4. Use wire, needle etc metal will short circuit batteries, also will not battery with necklace metal put together, it could lead to electricity leak, overheating, burst and fire.
5. Do not charge for more than 24 hours. Please use the 220 V. Note: new battery only through two or three times complete charge and discharge cycle to achieve the best effect.
6. Away from the dust and dirt, they can lead to corrosion and wear parts. Regularly with wet cloth to wipe the probe to keep its appearance neat and clean like new. Not using harsh chemicals cleaning products. lest the water splashed out cause overheating,leakage or fault charger.
7. Jangan menaruh alat musik di tempat-tempat berikut: tempat yang terkena sinar matahari langsung; tempat yang bersuhu luar di bawah 0 derajat atau di atas 40 derajat; tempat yang lembab karena abu; tempat yang banyak getarannya; dekat dengan televisi.

Detektor Logam AKS Detektor Logam AKS Detektor Logam AKS Detektor Logam AKS Detektor Logam AKS Detektor Logam AKS Detektor Logam AKS Detektor Logam AKS Detektor Logam AKS

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