Alat Kecantikan Picosecond Picosureing 532 Nm 1064 Nm 1320 Nm Mesin Penghilang Tato 808 Dioda Laser Penghilang Rambut Perangkat 2 In 1

Simpan $1,411.00
57 terjual dalam 25 jam

Pilihan: Picodetik 1064nm 532nm 1320nm / Penghilang Rambut 755nm 808nm 1064nm
Harga jual$1,269.00 Harga reguler$2,680.00
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Penghilangan bulu dengan laser dioda

Mesin 808 menggunakan laser khusus dengan Lebar Pulsa 808nm, dapat menembus ke folikel rambut. Menggunakan teori penyerapan cahaya selektif, laser dapat diserap secara istimewa oleh melanin rambut dan kemudian memanaskan batang rambut dan folikel rambut, selain itu juga menghancurkan folikel rambut dan pengaturan oksigen di sekitar folikel rambut. Saat laser keluar, sistem dengan teknologi pendinginan khusus, mendinginkan kulit dan melindungi kulit dari cedera dan mencapai perawatan yang sangat aman dan nyaman!

Laser pikodetik

adalah perawatan kulit laser non-bedah dan non-invasif yang cepat dan mudah bagi mereka yang menginginkan penampilan yang lebih muda. Laser picosecond dapat merawat banyak area tubuh termasuk dada atau décolleté, wajah, tangan, kaki, dan banyak lagi. Pasien juga telah mengalami hasil yang luar biasa untuk perawatan bekas jerawat, lesi berpigmen, dan kerutan. Lihat foto perawatan kulit picosecond sebelum dan sesudah. ​​Laser picosecond berfokus pada area masalah Anda, baik itu bintik-bintik cokelat, kerusakan akibat sinar matahari, bintik-bintik, lesi berpigmen, atau bekas jerawat. Picosecond menawarkan perawatan yang lebih lembut. Di masa lalu, laser mengandalkan energi panas yang kuat untuk menghilangkan pigmen dari kulit, yang mungkin menyakitkan dan menyebabkan kemerahan kulit yang signifikan serta waktu pemulihan.

1. 1064nm wavelength: get rid of freckles and yellow brown spot, eyebrow tattoo, failed eye line tattoo, tattoo, Birthmark and Nevus of Ota, pigmentation and age spot, nevus in black and blue, scarlet red, deep coffee and etc. deep color.

2. 532nm wavelength: get rid of freckles, eyebrow tattoo, failed eye line tattoo, tattoo , lips line, pigment, telangiectasia in shallow red, brown and pink and etc. light color. pigment removal.

3. 1320nm Professional for skin rejuvenation and face deep cleaning , blackhead removal, skin tightening and whitening, skin rejuvenation.

Diode laser handpiece

755+808+1064nm Platinum Style Technology.
The 3 waves works in the same handle at the same time:
755nm for white skin( fine, golden hair)
808nm for yellow/neutral skin
1064nm for black(black hair)Advantage of 3 Waves Hair Removal Laser Ice Titanium

1. 755+808+1064nm diode laser hair removal system uses, Suitable to all skin types of hair removal.

2. Golden laser bars from USA imported, max 40,000,000 longer lifespan.
3. 1600W TEC cooling system, ensure laser works continuously without air conditioner in Summer.
4. No scar, no any side-effect .
5. High power , no pain , 3-5 sessions permanent hair removal.

Product Name Multifunction beauty equipment
Handpieces 2 handpieces:  808nm diode laser; nd yag laser
Spot size 808nm diode laser: 15*26mm or 15*35mm
nd yag laser: 1-9mm adjustable
Diode Laser& 1064 &532 &1320nm (Nd Yag)
Laser Power 2000W
Energy 0-150J/cm
Frequency 1-10Hz
Pulse width 1-300ms
Operative Interface 10 inch True Color touch screen
Cooling system Water cooling and semiconductor cooling
Electrical source 220V/50HZ or 110V/60HZ (We will send the corresponding power plug and voltage according to your country.)
N.W/ G.W 35KG
Warranty 1 years

Instrument display

WARNING: You need to add water to the unit before turning it on or it will burn out the handle.

Precautions for filling water

Inserting the funnel: first, insert the funnel firmly into the water inlet so that the water flows in smoothly.

Unscrew the overflow: Next, gently unscrew the overflow cap. This step is important because it allows you to observe whether water is flowing out or not.

Add water: Now start adding water until you see water flowing out of the overflow. Remember, the water must be seen to overflow so that you can be sure that the container has been filled.

Never open the drain: never open the drain! If you do, the water will run out of the drain, causing the water you added to go to waste. So, always make sure that the drain is closed when you add water.

Ikuti langkah-langkah ini dan Anda akan dapat mengisi air tanpa masalah.

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