
ALISASKU: 1705312141

販売価格$150.00 通常価格$210.00


Waistcare レーザーマッサージャーは、マッサージ、圧迫、揉み、振動の技術とレーザーおよび LED 光療法を組み合わせています。これらのインテリジェントな圧力配置技術は、腰椎に適用され、血液循環を改善します。また、腰椎の強度を高め、安定性、サポート、保護の機能を回復します。これは、人間の知性と高度なワイヤレスリモートコントロール技術を備えた製品です。

1. モデル番号: RG-JYB612-I
2. 媒体: 半導体および発光ダイオード
3. レーザー光: 650nm (6個)
4. LEDライト: 630nm (12個)
5. 環境温度: 5 - 40
6. 相対湿度: 180%以上
7. 電源: DC 6.0V、2A (電源アダプタ 110-240V 50-60Hz)
8. 製品サイズ: 21.35*16.85*5.1 (cm)
9. パッケージサイズ: 24*20*10.5 (cm)
10. 重量: 1.35kg

1. 背中の筋肉の痛み、疲労を和らげ、細胞を活性化し、腰の筋肉の強度を高めて、より安定して背骨を支えて固定します。
2. 腰椎椎間板の膨隆に効果があり、腰椎椎間板の突出による手術後の腰の回復に役立ちます。
3. 痛みを和らげ、神経根の浮腫、無菌性炎症を取り除き、神経根の感覚を軽減します。
4. マッサージは脊椎の椎体間のスペースを広げるのに役立ち、回復に良く、髄核の突出が正常な椎体の場所に回復します。

5. 異常な生理的湾曲を修正するのに役立ちます。

How to choose correct modes:
Mode 1: Used for strain of lumbar muscles.
Irradiation (laser and LED): light pulse with fixed frequency.
Massage and vibration: Massage and vibration start and stop at the same time.
Mode 2: Used for bulging of lumbar disc.
Irradiation (laser and LED): light pulse with fixed frequency.
Massage and vibration: Massage and vibration do not happen at the same time, vibration comes after massage.
Mode 3: Used for protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc.
Irradiation (laser and LED): light pulse with fixed frequency.
Massage and vibration: Massage without vibration.
Mode 4: Used for relax and repair of back muscle.
Irradiation (laser and LED): light pulse with fixed frequency.
Massage and vibration: Vibration without massage.
Mode 5: Used for acute back injury.
Long-lasting laser and LED irradiation, but without massage and vibration.
Notes: For acute back injury users, please do not choose 1-4 modes because vibration or massage may exacerbate disease.

Especially notes for old users:
1. You'd better drink a cup of water before use it, 200-300ml.
2. 1-2 times per days, every time 5-10 minutes.
3. It will have better effect when users are relaxing, lie flat on the bed with knee bending.

4. You'd better stop using it for 1-2 days after 1 week usage.


1. Start: To initiate the system and switches into "ready" mode.
2. Intensity: To adjust the irradiation intensity of laser and LED.
3. Time: To adjust the work-time.
4. Stop: To terminate the light output and goes to the standby mode.
5. Off: To shut down the apparatus at once.
6. Strap Slot: To fix the bandage that fastens the device with knee.
7. Cover for knee / Cover for Patella: Used for guiding light, massaging, light and Physical therapy.

A. Output Connector: Connected to power jack of Knee Care Massager.
B. Power Plug: Connected to power source.

