Ürünü rapor et- Sinirlerden gelen ağrı sinyalini engelleyerek en iyi AĞRI KESİCİ cihaz, alt sağlığı hafifletmeye, yorgunluğu iyileştirmeye, kan dolaşımını teşvik etmeye, dalağı ve mideyi iyileştirmeye, insan bağışıklığını artırmaya, uyku kalitesini iyileştirmeye ve vücut ağrınızı hafifletmek için yan etkileri harekete geçirmeye yardımcı olabilir.
- Dikdörtgen tasarımda 16 önceden programlanmış masaj modu: Vurma, Akupunktur, Kupalama, Vurma, Shiatsu-Derin, Hassas Bölgeler Masaj Modu. Her modda 2-4 masaj yöntemi. Toplam 16 mod.
- "T" düğmesini kullanarak ayarlanabilir 10-60 dakikalık zamanlayıcı, varsayılan zamanlayıcı: 20 dakika. 20 seviyede ayarlanabilir yoğunluk/güç.
- İki kişi veya iki farklı vücut bölgesi için eş zamanlı çift çıkış tasarımı, yoğunluğu artırmak için "+" düğmesini veya modun yoğunluğunu azaltmak için "-" düğmesini kullanabilirsiniz. Aynı anda 4 pedin kullanılmasına izin verir, lütfen 4 büyük ped veya 4 küçük ped kullanın, 2 büyük ped ve 2 küçük ped kullanmayın. İpuçları: Pedleri temiz ve düz alanlarda kullanın, terleme yok, yağ yok.
- Okunması kolay animasyonlu arkadan aydınlatmalı LCD Ekran, özellikle gece veya karanlık ışıkta ekranın daha iyi görüntülenmesi. Şarj edilebilir dahili lityum pil - 10 saate kadar sürekli kullanım.
16 Mod Elektrikli Darbeli Darbeli Masaj Aleti
Using modern human body simulation technology to simulate ancient Chinese therapeutic methods and digital programming technology, your control unit has several different massage modes such as: Knocking, Acupuncture,Cupping,Tapping,Shiatsu-Deep, Sensitive Parts Massage Mode etc.
Our pain relief devices use Electrotherapy technology, which is a treatment that uses voltage electrical currents to relieve pain and provides other therapeutic benefits. A gentle electrical current is passed through electrodes which are attached to the skin near the site of the pain or discomfort. The pulses send electrical pulses through the central nervous system, thus blocking pain receptors. Exactly the same way as a strong painkiller would work.
Our pain relief devices use Electrotherapy technology, which is a treatment that uses voltage electrical currents to relieve pain and provides other therapeutic benefits. A gentle electrical current is passed through electrodes which are attached to the skin near the site of the pain or discomfort. The pulses send electrical pulses through the central nervous system, thus blocking pain receptors. Exactly the same way as a strong painkiller would work.
How to choose 16 modes:
1.The "M" cycles through the 6 big modes, the silver middle button allows choices (from 2 to 4 varieties) within that mode, totally 16 small modes (1.Lateral palm kneading 2.Flat palm kneading 3.Crosscut fist kneading 4.Vertical fist kneading 5.Acupuncture 6.Moxibustion 7.Acupuncture kneading 8.Rubbing reduction 9.Tapping 10.Fibrillation massage 11.Lifting-pinching manipulation 12.Vibrating manipulation 13.Thai massage 14.Shiatsu 15.Sensitive Parts Massage Mode 1 16.Sensitive Parts Massage Mode 2)
2.The "T" cycles through times from 10-60 minutes, and the "+ & -" change the pulse strength. Every time you change modes, the strength resets to the minimum which make sense because you don't want to accidentally start with the strong or the high mode.
1.The "M" cycles through the 6 big modes, the silver middle button allows choices (from 2 to 4 varieties) within that mode, totally 16 small modes (1.Lateral palm kneading 2.Flat palm kneading 3.Crosscut fist kneading 4.Vertical fist kneading 5.Acupuncture 6.Moxibustion 7.Acupuncture kneading 8.Rubbing reduction 9.Tapping 10.Fibrillation massage 11.Lifting-pinching manipulation 12.Vibrating manipulation 13.Thai massage 14.Shiatsu 15.Sensitive Parts Massage Mode 1 16.Sensitive Parts Massage Mode 2)
2.The "T" cycles through times from 10-60 minutes, and the "+ & -" change the pulse strength. Every time you change modes, the strength resets to the minimum which make sense because you don't want to accidentally start with the strong or the high mode.
Notice: not suitable for pregnant women and hypertension patients
Package Included :
1*Electric Impulse Massager
4 pair of self-adhesive conductive reusable gel pads
2 sets of electrode wires
1*USB Wire
1*AC adapter (110V-240V)
1*pads holder
1*Operating Manual
1*Acupuncture placement point chart
1*Electric Impulse Massager
4 pair of self-adhesive conductive reusable gel pads
2 sets of electrode wires
1*USB Wire
1*AC adapter (110V-240V)
1*pads holder
1*Operating Manual
1*Acupuncture placement point chart
We will send the corresponding power plug and voltage according to your country.
Siz de beğenebilirsiniz
$6.00 Tasarruf et

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