Report Item● Red light: Red light with a wavelength of 650mm has the characteristics of high purity, strong light source and uniform energy density. It has a remarkable effect in skin care and bonding treatment, and is called bioactive light. Red light can increase cell activity, promote cell metabolism, and cause the skin to secrete a large amount of collagen and fibrous tissue to fill itself. Accelerate blood circulation, increase skin elasticity, improve skin sallowness and dullness, so as to achieve anti-aging, anti-oxidation, and repair effects. It has the effect that traditional skin care cannot achieve. It is especially suitable for sub-healthy people, dry skin, and allergies. Skin type, the care process is simple and convenient, feels comfortable, gentle and effective.
● Blue light: Blue light with a wavelength of 470mm has the effect of rapidly inhibiting inflammation. In the process of acne formation, propionibacterium is mainly at work, and blue light can efficiently destroy the bacteria without damaging the skin tissue , minimize the appearance of acne, and significantly reduce acne in the inflammatory stage to cure in a short period of time.
● Yellow light: with a wavelength of 590nm, it replenishes energy to skin cells and promotes the action of glands. It has positive effects of promoting blood circulation, activating cells, and stimulating cell excitability. Increase skin collagen fibers and elastic fibers to avoid skin redness.
● Green light: The wavelength is 535nm. Neutralizing and balancing can reduce skin oil secretion, balance the water-to-oil ratio, effectively relieve mental stress and clear lymphedema.
● Orange light: The wavelength is 450nm, which enhances the energy order of new cells and has a good effect on metabolism, balanced secretion, calming the skin and controlling oil. Strengthen the skin's own protective ability. Calms, relieves stress, treats sunburn.
● Purple light: The wavelength is 420nm, which promotes skin metabolism and reduces wrinkles. It is suitable for acne and acne scars. Accelerates the exfoliation of aging cuticles and removes yellow dullness.
● White light: With a wavelength of 760nm, it penetrates deep into the skin, accelerates the metabolism of active tissues, breaks down spots, improves fine lines, and soothes the skin.