Report ItemPet quantum scanner for detecting Dog and Cat Animal Quantum Resonance Magnetic Body Health Analyzer for clinic
The quantum analyzer for pets is a simple machine to use and very practical
If you like to work with animals, mainly pets like dogs and cats, this will be an excellent quantum analyzer for your pet’s health, which you can even purchase from the point of view of personal use or service if you are a vet . Read more than 100 lines, distributed in 17 reports obtained from the analysis, you could know in less than three minutes how your pet is in health, which you can take advantage of to take the necessary measures for your care. Now in several languages including Spanish and English.
What is Pet Scanner ?
Pet Scanner involves high-tech innovation projects of medicine, bio informatics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Using the quantum medicine as the theoretical basis, it applies the advanced electronic equipment to collect the weak magnetic field of animal cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining the tested animal's health status and main problems and putting forward standard prevention recommendations. [Pet scanner] is individualized guide of health care consultation for full animal body and forward health science, and has the advantages of completeness, non-invasiveness, practicality, simplicity, fastness, economy, easy popularization, etc. With the depth and development of scientific research, it will make a greater contribution for the cause of animal health, having a broad development and application prospect.
PET Scanner(Polish)V2023
PET Scanner(German)V2023
PET Scanner(French)V2023
PET Scanner(Portuguese)V2023
PET Scanner(Spanish)V2023
PET Scanner(Italian)V2023
PET Scanner(English)V2023
17 reports quantum resonance magnetic analyzer
1. Gastrointestinal function. pet scanner reports
2. Hepatobiliary function.
3. Kidney function.
4. Pulmonary function.
5. Blood circulation system.
6. Skeletal system.
7. Immune system.
8. Thyroid.
9. Trace elements.
10. Vitamins.
11. Ammonia acids.
12. Coezyme.
13. Heavy metals.
14. Collagen.
15. Allergies
16. Skin.
17. Eye.