The Latest Parment Painless Product In 2024, Laser Beauty Equipment, Laser Ipl Photon Hair Removal Instrument

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ALISASKU: 2402171118

Sale price$622.00 Regular price$870.00
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1. E-light core technology : RF+ IPL + Skin cooling. In the E-light technology, the IPL energy plays a guiding role to guide RF focus on the target tissue, and strengthen the target tissue RF absorption in the case of low light intensity.Surface contact cooling technology of the Treatment probe to eliminate the thermal effect caused due to light is too strong and to increase the impedance of the epidermis , reducing the epidermal absorption of RF energy,so that curative effect and safety are greatly improved, and the target tissue of light color as effective.
2. 360 Magneto-optic hair removal system = IPL intese pulse light + Powerful magnetic energy.
360 magneto-optic hair removal freckle removal system can be divided into two parts, one part is for IPL intense pulse light, and second part is the powerful magnetic energy.

Magnetic energy have a strong penetration ability, it can active and peel melanin cells which adsorbed on the cell wall in the dermis, and peeled melanin were extracted to the skin surface, IPL absorb the melanin, blasting instantly. The others melanin are expel from the body by the lymphatic microcirculation metabolism. So, this technology can combine magneto energy with IPL intense pulse light , this is the perfect solution for facial pigmentation.

We will send the corresponding power plug and voltage according to your country.

WARNING: You need to add water to the unit before turning it on or it will burn out the handle.

Precautions for filling water

Inserting the funnel: first, insert the funnel firmly into the water inlet so that the water flows in smoothly.

Unscrew the overflow: Next, gently unscrew the overflow cap. This step is important because it allows you to observe whether water is flowing out or not.

Add water: Now start adding water until you see water flowing out of the overflow. Remember, the water must be seen to overflow so that you can be sure that the container has been filled.

Never open the drain: never open the drain! If you do, the water will run out of the drain, causing the water you added to go to waste. So, always make sure that the drain is closed when you add water.

Follow these steps and you'll be able to fill up your water without any problems.

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